I didn’t throw away the panties Kate had an accident in because I didn’t want to try to clean them. That would be wasteful.
I would never sneak away from the baby when I took her to the nursery at church on Sunday so she didn’t see me go. I would of course say good-bye, since that way she knows I’m leaving and doesn’t wonder where I went. I also didn’t make another baby cry because he saw me peeking in to check on her later.
I also would never tell Kate to give Gabby a toy that she clearly had first, just so the baby wouldn’t cry. That wouldn’t be fair at all.
And of course, I would never bribe my children with food. So I certainly didn't get them McDonald's for behaving at the store. That would just be bad parenting.

Great Not Me Monday!
I think all of us mama's have thrown out an item or two as NOT to clean it!
Ha! Wouldn't blame for doing those things - especially the bribery. You do what you have to do sometimes. :)
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