Friday, August 6, 2010

Seven Princesses and One Prince

From the stories I hear, my husband made some dubious choices girls to date before me, but I have to say that his taste in friends was excellent. Many, many years later we are still friends with his high school buddies, and their wives, and their daughters. Lots and lots of daughters. Three families were able to gather here this week--there were 7 little girls (all aged five an under) and one baby boy!

We went to a great discovery museum in the morning and enjoyed all the activities and our packed lunches.

Later in the afternoon we caravanned back to our house for play time and dinner.

We were so glad to have a chance to visit with friends! We look forward to seeing everyone more often--it's been a couple of years for some of us.

Here are the dads with the first round of babies in the spring of 2006.

Here are the munchkins now--I think they are multiplying.

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