Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Talking in Church

We were in church Sunday and they had children’s moments up front. Kate was front and center, of course. Gabby stayed with us, of course.

The poor woman who was leading it made the mistake of starting off with a question. She asked if they had ever gotten a nice present. Of course Kate had her birthday party the day before, so she answered right away, not just that she got a magic wand for her present, but a whole back story about how Gam and PawPaw gave her this wand [FYI: which was not her main present at all], even though they didn’t know that she had a wand before and that it was broken.

[Also FYI—our minister is in the middle of a series on how being mixed up in magic is bad and says that kids should not read Harry Potter. I’ll guess he’s not a fan of magic wands. Kate can tell you that magic is pretend, but of course didn’t during church.]

Then the lady gets to her point, which is stewardship. She asked if any of the kids knew what that meant. This was answered with silence. Kate, of course, can’t stand silence, so she pipes up, “I’ve read Stuart Little.” The whole church erupts in laughter. Yes. Now I’m the mom with the kid that says silly things during children’s moments. The gal tells her then she should be really good at saying 'stewardship.'

We’re new though and after that, the kids all filed out to go to children’s church this week, so no one has to know it’s us, right? Ha! After the service an older lady came up to us and asked if she was ours. Then the children’s minister stopped us in the hallway to make a comment about her too. So much for anonymity. Hopefully she won’t every say anything too embarrassing!

1 comment:

Devon said...

LOLOLOL. She is so smart!! Unforgettable moments!