Friday, September 24, 2010

Eating our way Through Class

As a part of our homeschooling, we're taking a 'tour' of six countries. Part of that has been sampling the cuisine. Some of these have been fairly safe. We eat Italian food already, right? Well, there was the issue of the canoli.... Like, I have made at least one new dish though each time--I've never made my own sweet and sour chicken or lo mein. I also try to involve the girls whenever possible--like I'm not chopping veggies or things are not too hot.

This week we're studying Kenya. I knew the food might be pretty different. I guess if I was going to describe it in any manner at all it would be bland. I'm not sure if the people in Kenya use seasonings that weren't included in the recipes or if they don't season their foods as much as we Westerners do, but I added some salt and pepper to our dinner!

We had Ugali (which is simply cornmeal and water), Nyama Choma (roasted beef ribs), and Kenyan Cabbage (cabbage, tomatoes and onion).

Here's the rest of the fare we've been dishing up around here.

pasta with homemade sauce (Italy)

sweet and sour chicken, lo main, stir fry (China)

This is the girls making rugelach. We also made falafel and bourekas, but I managed to miss getting a picture of it. (Israel)

It's made eating dinner on Wednesdays interesting around here. I'm not sure that anything we've tried new will make it in our regular dinner rotation (there have been some things that some but not all of us like--falafel and bourekas are on that list with lo mein), but it has been a learning experience. Next week is Mexico and after that is Germany, so I'll be looking for things we haven't made here before. I'm seriously considering fried ice cream.

1 comment:

A Servant of Christ (who tries to be humble) said...

I love fried ice cream!

What an awesome idea, to visit other countries through their food. Mmmm, another idea to incorporate the produce delivery that we receive each week ;)