Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Why We're Really Leaving

I know we tell everyone that we are leaving Kansas because Justin got a new job, but it isn't true. This is why...

The girls went out to play and within a couple of minutes were at the back door. Kate told me there was a snake. I didn't really know if I should believe her or not. She's good at telling tales. I called them in and asked her to tell me about the snake. She said, "It's long and black and kept sticking it's tongue out at me. I told it, 'Excuse me,' because it was in my way at the slide and it wouldn't move because it didn't understand." She assured me it had no stripes so I went out and found no snake, so I let them back out, assuming they had scared it off or that it had never existed, that is until I saw it out front slithering.

Later I asked Kate about the snake and she told me it was a girl. I asked her how she knew and she said, "Because it's long like a dress and girls wear dresses."


Ashley said...

I love how kids explain things;)

Tabitha (From Single to Married) said...

oh man - I don't blame you! I'd leave for that reason too. :)