Monday, October 25, 2010

We got a notice in the mail on Saturday evening. Technically it is a request for information, but the message rang out loud and clear. I've never had to change insurance with a pre-existing condition, but with Justin's new diagnosis, we're getting our first taste of it. We got a request from our new insurance company for proof of prior coverage after his more recent endocrinologist appointment. The point being, of course, if our coverage had lapsed the treatment for his diabetes would not be covered.

We triple checked the dates that our old insurance ended, and I am very thankful that we haven't had a lapse in coverage, but it definitely makes me think of those individuals who have been less fortunate than us, especially when we got the EOB for over $800 for that one visit.

1 comment:

Rachel H said...

Thank goodness. I understand this too well. When you need insurance, you have the hardest time with it! I hope everything is sorted out :)