Friday, July 10, 2009

Play Time

I took the girls to a local gym today to play. Gabby was a little intimidated at first. She wasn't sure of the mats all over the floor and sprang when she walked. She never did want to get on much of the equipment.

She did like climbing over and sitting on the little balance beams.

Speaking of the balance beam--Kate tried her hand at it too. She was timid on her own, but could get across. She practically ran when holding my hand.

Gabby's favorite things to play with were the balls. There were big exercise balls and little ones with handles to sit and bounce on.

Kate liked playing on the bars. She even flipped herself all the way over once, falling on to the mats below--laughing. She's quite the good climber.

I'm hoping for a good long nap time this afternoon!


Bonnie said...

Looks like they had a good time.

Tabitha (From Single to Married) said...

so cute - I love that they have places like this for little kids to have fun!