Monday, October 12, 2009

Not Me Monday

I would never have to stifle laughter at 2 AM as my oldest tells me about her nightmare. I would, of course take all her fears seriously, even if it was that a lady bug got into her room and she couldn't smash it.

I also would not have to drag my 23 month old daughter kicking and screaming outside while her sister was in gymnastics class three times because she wouldn't let go of a baby's bottle, refused to stop playing with someone else's stroller AND wanted to reach in and touch the two month old little girl who was being placed in her car seat. As I was leaving and someone asked if I needed help, I certainly did not reply, "Only if you want to take her for a little while." Not me!

I also didn't totally goof on when my midwife appointment was and tell everyone I was going today. I wouldn't have packed the girls snacks, books, and toys, and prepped Kate before looking at my appointment card and noticing that my appointment was indeed for next week. Not this well organized Mama.


Bonnie said...

So you had a rough day?? Hope tomorrow is better. You just need to move back to Kentucky so I can help you out!

Ashley said...

Hopefully Tuesday is better!! Thanks for that glimpse into motherhood;) It made me laugh...sorry;)

Tabitha (From Single to Married) said...

you poor thing - sounds like it's been one of those weeks! :)

Kristy said...

Thankfully this morning was better--not so much after lunch, but it's starting to get better again, at least for the moment!!