G: When I grow up I'm going to be a mama and if I don't have any kids I'll be a wife.
M: What do you think you'll like doing?
G: I'll make pies and pizza and roast beef.
M: Okay, so you'll like to cook, what else do you think you'd like about being a wife or mother?
G: I'll make meatballs ans chicken fingers and an apple pie with pepper & salt & apples & crust in the pie.
M: Do you think you'll like to do anything else other than cook?
G: [Exasperated look.] Well, I'll feed my kids.
* * * * *
K: When I grow up I'm going to be a librarian.
M: Why?
K: Because I won't have to add very much and I think it would be interesting.

They are both cute, but I can completely relate to Kate. :)
Kate sure doesn't take after me!! I love to add (I'd be in trouble with my accounting job if I didn't like to add!!)
lol! my kind of girl!
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