Friday, November 20, 2009

Birth Story

I woke up at 3:30 in the morning with some contractions that quickly moved from 20 minutes apart to about 5 minutes apart. I got up and took a shower and got dressed. At about 4:30 I woke Justin. He got a shower too. At about six I called a friend to come and sit with the girls.

By the time she got here my contractions had slowed down. I sent Justin on to work and tried to send her home. She decided she and her son would stay, and sent me up to take a nap.

About 10:30 I had three contractions about five minutes apart that were quite intense (they had been 10-20 minutes apart before that). I called Justin to come home. I had time to get on my shoes before he walked in the door. I called the midwives' office, where the nurse asked for me to come in to their office. Not what I really wanted to do—I thought we should go straight to the hospital. Then my water broke! As we were on our way up I called back and said I didn't think we'd make it to the office with broken water and contractions now 2-3 minutes apart. We got stuck in lunch hour traffic for 10 minutes or so.

We got checked in, two nurses working to get a lock in, and vitals taken. They started the water in the tub for me. I had an intake time of 11:20. The midwife came in to see me right away—the doctor I saw for my discharge said Lindsey took off running with the call I was here (their office is just across the street). I had a few minutes in bed for the line to be put in and basic evaluation, then they let me get on the birthing ball—I had maybe five contractions there, they were still trying to get a good baseline on baby when I felt the urge to push, so in to bed and maybe 10 pushes (27 minutes after arrival), Nate was born. The tub had been forgotten and nearly overflowed—Justin remembered it. How does he remember that and not the garbage? :)

I still wasn't finished with the admission questions, so I finished those after delivery. We did a one day discharge and we were home Saturday evening.
We’re enjoying our little man. Happy one week Nate!

Your sisters love you too!


Devon said...

YAY! Quick is good! He is beautiful!!!!

Ashley said...

Great post! I'm jealous of how quick it went:) hE IS PRECIOUS!

Unknown said...
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排骨酥May said...
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