How am I a granola mom?
I limit TV to Sesame Street, if that. This morning (while I was making granola), Kate got distracted and didn’t even know it was time. Mean Mama didn’t tell her and she played straight through it.
I delay some vaccines. This came because of Gabby’s horrible reaction to her Rotavirus vaccine. I’m much less willing to go with the recommendations now. I spread them out a little more so she doesn’t get four at a time and I delayed her getting ones we hadn’t started the series for until she was one, afraid that she would become sickened by another immunization as well.
My kiddos don’t go to preschool or day care, but they are still socially adjusted and well behaved (at least in public). Someone from church kept pushing me to put Kate in preschool. I finally looked at her and told her—I could work and send them to preschool and daycare or I could stay home and afford neither. She finally quit asking. I wouldn’t send Gabby anywhere—she doesn’t like big groups.
But then again…
I don’t buy organic. I would if I could, but the limits of a budget are what they are.
I believe in and have used corporal punishment.
I’ve been known to let my kids have cookies and cake, even if it’s not anyone’s birthday.
But I do make granola!
good for you! I remember my mom used to make granola when we were kids and I loved it!
Growing up in Kentucky, no one in my family made granola (that I knew of anyway), so it was a little experiment. Most things I grew up watching in the kitchen.
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