Thursday, May 5, 2011

Keeping Busy

Still playing the waiting game on the house, so I thought I'd change out the header... Something to keep me busy other than mentally arranging the furniture in a house that may not even be ours.

As I was setting it up I came across my old ones.

Look at those itty bitty girls. Of course the little boy is absent for obvious reasons! I love that picture of Kate with that tiny mop of curls and such a genuine smile.

Then there is this one with the tiny fellow.


Jo-Anne said...

Ugh, I am so not patient when it comes to waiting on that kind of thing. Hopefully you'll hear any minute now.

Isn't that amazing when you go through old pictures? I always think my memory is terrible, but once I see pictures it all comes flooding back. =)

Jessica @ One Shiny Star said...

I'm impressed that you have used the same font each time! I can't ever remember the names of fonts! It's so cool to see them growing in such a quick, visual way! Thanks for sharing.

Devon said...
