Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Smells Like Home

Can I let you in on a secret? I love to bake. Cooking is fine. I even like it when I don't have other pressing things (or three little pressing people--literally pressed up against me), but I love to bake. Unfortunately I also love to eat it, but that's beside the point.

On Monday I did my first baking. I've cooked since our second day here, but between the busy-ness and the heat (our air conditioner is having trouble keeping up, so I try not to add to it) I hadn't gotten around to it. My in-laws made a quick trip down yesterday to drop off a couple of things, so I wanted to have something sweet for them to snack on, so the girls and I made chocolate chip cookies.


And, of course it wouldn't be my house if I wasn't also doing laundry, so please excuse the hamper in the background.

An extra benefit...Miss Kate who claims not to want to learn how to read--yeah, I made her read a couple of words off of the recipe card. Score one for me! Now if I can work in the word antidisestablishmentarianism onto a recipe card we'll be set. Or maybe just "See Spot run." Gabby helped us with the baking too. Nate, well, he tried climbing stools and hanging on the back of my legs. So we're kind of back to being pressed, but it's baking, so it's totally worth it, right?

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