Saturday, July 10, 2010


We are getting close to our move in date! We are incredibly grateful for having had a nice place to stay while we were getting all of the details of moving squared away, but we will soon be moving on to our new home. But, as if packing up and changing our address with 15 billion (perhaps a slight exaggeration) places, we also have the joy of setting up utilities with several new companies. I've been on hold more in the past 8 days than I care to think about and it's still not done. I haven't figured out if it's the company that the letter of credit is being faxed to or the company that's supposed to be be faxing the letter, but in over a week it has yet to be taken care of. We had to drive down (90 minutes each way) to have water service taken care of. No they don't care we're out of state. Yes, you have a 'nice' day too. So we should have water, phone, garbage collection, and internet, but electric is yet to be worked out. Hopefully by Friday!

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