Monday, January 30, 2023

XXXIX: Paint, and cabinets, and ditches, oh my!!

On Tuesday I got an early morning text that a delivery I needed to sign for would be arriving that day (instead of Friday).

I left the kids a note and took off.

I found the cabinet guys installing the cabinets!

The rooms had a preliminary coat of paint—most of them were right.  Gabby and Katie’s rooms were paint swapped, so hopefully that can be remedied quickly for them.  As I looked back over the pictures, I can still see the mud through the paint in some photos, so I’m certain the painters are coming back anyway.

I had to run out to get a battery for the generator for the electrician to install.

When I came back, the masons were finishing the fireplace hearth and clearing their messes.  The cabinet guys were finished and heading out.

Then I met the septic/grading crew to pay for a couple of loads of dirt.  It was cold, but thankfully sunny to spend the better part of the day out there looking things over.

We paid the drywall draw last week.  This week we authorized the cabinet draw.  I *think* I have propane worked out.  Our last financial obligation on the house is at the end of the build, plus an overage we know will be coming to cover the extra stairs for the back door (only 4 steps are included, and we’ll need several more).  We’ll still have the outbuilding, but that’s a whole ’nother ball of wax!

It’s actually a house!