Friday, August 26, 2022

Friday Funny

Driving looks easy when you see someone who’s had a lot of experiments. -Ellie

Monday, August 8, 2022

XXIII: Concrete

Not much went on this week. Some concrete was poured, but we are still waiting on the power line to be moved.  Evidently the engineer I spoke with forgot to include a $40 fee in the three payments (totaling about $3000) we’d submitted so far. No one at the electric company thought to mention it, so we have gone along thinking we’re on the list until the builder called to enquire when they might be out, and he was told they wouldn’t be because of the missing fee.

Grumble, grumble.  I drove the hour out to pay it (they don’t take phone or online payments, and we are currently completely stuck) and quite a bit longer to get home—rush hour in our current direction is much worse than going in our new direction.

Ominous clouds

Nate helping him move a large limb.

The next day we drove out to see about beginning to tackle the large tree that was taken down.  We’d have liked to have made more progress, but low blood sugar, bored kids, and threatening storms cut us a bit shorter than planned.

Ellie was thrilled to be there!  I promise she had the offer to stay home with Katie and Gabby, but she asked to go.

Monday, August 1, 2022

XXII: Foundation Continued

The work on the foundation continued.  All the block is now in.  The concrete fill is set for this week.  After that is framing.  There is a lot of lumber on site, so hopefully that will go quickly when it’s time.