Saturday, May 23, 2020

Almost Normal-ish

We went places this week.  In some ways things felt almost normal, but then you look around, and not so much...

On Wednesday I got to tag a long to the lab to record some experiments for use in a class that is being taught through distance learning this summer.  I saw three people.  No one was near anyone else, but they were real live human beings.

Thursday, Katie and Gabby had well visits scheduled—spaced out chairs in the waiting room, masked nurses.  These were super exciting because they meant medical forms being filled out for horseback riding.  In a few weeks they get to go, in a group of three, to ride.  Then Friday, Katie and I picked up AHG forms from the church (horseback riding) and saw the orthodontist—lobby  closed, temperature checks, masks the whole time (instead of just during the treatment time), and parents (who aren’t receiving treatment) staying in the car, with staff walking patients out.

Next week will be quieter again, except Nate & Ellie’s well visits—another  horseback for (her) and one for boating (him).

Since we expect to be staying home, I went with the colors for my braces that Gabby recommended instead of my normal clear.
Waiting for a solution to reach equilibrium in an ice bath 🧪


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