Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Russian Piping

My older girls have enjoyed learning cake decorating over the past few years.  They've done cakes for birthdays and ceremonies.  It is fun to see them learning a skill that they may get to use in their own homes some day.

For Christmas, my mom got us a Russian Piping set.  These allow you to use three different blended colors in one large piped shape.  Instead of the traditional piping of a rose, with a straight tip on a flower nail followed by piping each individual petal with a different tip, there is one larger and more complex tip that makes the entire flower.  It requires a thicker icing to hold its shape, but it is amazing to see the entire flower come in one good squeeze.  We did find that it looks best if you give it a little twist as you go, or the shapes seem a little less realistic.

 It was so thick at one point Katie and I were squeezing together to get the icing through...maybe one more tablespoon of milk next time!

 Gabby added in the leaves around our flowers.


Completed.  Personally, I would have gone for more matching colors...two shades of pink and then white or the like, but you can really see the different colors here.

After we cleaned up, the best part...

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