Tuesday, February 20, 2018

School Days

We're making our way through our year here.  We started late and we were a bit interrupted this fall with family circumstances, so we've been working hard to catch back up--starting early in January and going ahead with school when the local schools were out for snow and ice.

We are finishing our second year in Tapestry of Grace (for history, writing, and literature)--starting the final unit on the American Revolution.  Katie is in the Dialectic level, Gabby in Upper Grammar, and Nate in Lowe Grammar.  We've already purchased year 3, so we can start the introduction before we break for summer.  I plan to assign a couple of books for summer reading this year.  I don't usually do that, but with Katie moving in to 8th grade, we may mix in some of the high school books, if they look more interesting or they are easier to get.  I've already started Gabby reading a few of the novels that are at the next level up.

We found a great YouTube channel (Kristina Edgar) for introducing the era.  The kids have enjoyed her sense of humor.  And I liked that we could start it with all the kids together before we split up to do their individual readings.

Our science this year has been a History of Science experiment kit from Thames & Kosmos.  We will be switching over some this unit though, with a book about Ben Franklin (set at Gabby's level) that has experiments and activities in it.

Nate and Gabby are both in Singapore's Primary Mathematics, but as Gabby is nearly finished with the last of Singapore, we are supplementing her with a book called Balance Math (which is a pre-pre-algebra book that teaches balancing equations).  Katie is using Teaching Textbooks for Pre-Algebra.  We have the older version that doesn't self grade, so we just do it the old fashioned way, and I grade as she goes.  Since math is not her favorite way to spend her time, I have her read out each answer as she goes through it to help her get immediate feedback and prevent practicing a skill incorrectly.

Nate and Gabby are both in what we call The Orange Book for spelling, Spelling Power.  Gabby has a head for Latin and enjoys it, so she is using the Once Upon a Time, In Latin series to keep up on her Latin.  Nate is in Song School Latin I.  Katie is taking a break from languages for the next two years before we pick a high school language.  Instead, she has more focus on English grammar.  We have an ancient workbook I picked up at a curriculum sale and we use Khan Academy too.

Katie is doing part of Teaching Our Daughters to be Keepers at Home for Home Ec.  She made a dress--which she found not to be enjoyable.  She does, however, love making dinner for the family once a week.  Gabby is also working on a visual arts class (Artistic Pursuits), which she has enjoyed.

That's school here these days!



Just A Chemist said...

The ancient textbooks are most often the best. They come from an age when the agreed-upon purpose of student education was to, um, educate students. Math, reading, Latin, proper handwriting have not changed (or changed so very little) in 200 years. Science and History textbooks must be updated from time-to-time, and have lost much of their original rigor, but I suppose we must make do.
Thank you again, Mrs., for all that you do. This will pay dividends later.

bhanes75@gmail.com said...

Makes me tired just reading through what the kids are studying. So glad they have a teacher that cares about what they're learning.