Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

I told Justin not to buy me flowers and chocolates.  It is a silly expense, after all.  I planned to do some cooking though--a gooey chocolate cake and Cincinnati style chili (one of his favorites).  Not this year though.

Miss Gabby caught a stomach bug and she just can't seem to kick it.  It started Tuesday morning and I was sure it would be short lived, as she went back to sleep quickly and she didn't wake us again (though Kate did).  She's continued to be sick a handful of times, all spaced out, but it is still keeping the girlie down.  It bothered Kate a little, but not nearly so much--she was only sick once, though she told me it was bothering her too much for school, though she was fine to eat breakfast.

I guess we'll celebrate Valentine's Day a little late around here.

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