Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Seven years ago Katherine Elizabeth took her first breath.  While in some ways it seems that it was only yesterday, in other ways it seems as if she has been a part of our family forever, instead of only half of our marriage.

To my dear Kate,

I wanted to write and tell you about you as you are turning seven.
You are full of life and energy.  

You are emotional

 and more than a little silly. 

You are a tough cookie.

You are bright

and caring.  

You are creative


 and have your own sense of style.

You like to help in the kitchen.

You love to do things for other people--buying them little gifts, reading them stories, or doing extra chores to support wonderful causes.

You are an inspiration and I am proud of you.  You challenge me.

May God guide you as you grow in wisdom and stature.  May He lead you on the path that is best for you, despite what is safe or wise to human eyes.  I pray you will listen to His guidance and find that you are never safer than when you are in His will.

I love you always,

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