I said I've been busy and I wasn't joking. Lately I've been spinning quite a few projects at once, trying to get some things finished before the baby comes. Oh, and my in-laws are coming this week. And my parents the week after that. It's a little crazy around here.
The top left is the baby quilt I've pieced for if our baby is a little girl. It's cute pinks and greens. I love baby quilts! Next up, Gabby's freshly stitched curtains. The stack of material is for Kate's quilt. All of that material has since been cut up into pieces and made into squares. Lots of squares of butterflies and flowers cornered in pink, blue and green. I may make one more set. I'm trying to decide if I should frame what I have in green and be done with it or make another set of blocks. I'll choose today. Then there is baby J's quilt. He has used his quilt quite a bit in these first few months and it needed some repair work. I finished that up last night and it is currently in my washing machine, awaiting it's turn in my dryer. I have (not pictured) also begun to start cutting for a baby quilt for baby P. She's the newest addition to her two big sisters (The ones Kate wanted to visit here, and who I made these little bags for.).
I also cut up papers for baby #3's birth announcements. Kate helped me choose a yellow paper with cute little stars. We lucked out an hit a big sale--the pages are usually 59 cents each, but we got them for 19! For the card stock and paper we save $13.20, spending only $6.27 for what will make nearly 100 birth announcements. I have left over vellum from the girls, so all that's left is the ribbon to tie them together, but we'll wait to see if baby is a boy or a girl before I choose that! Oh yeah--and agree on a name for if it's a boy, since Justin has changed his mind so many times that I think my head is going to spin. We keep going back to one name, but he second guesses it every couple of weeks. So we'll see which week it is when baby comes!
Well, dishes, laundry, and grocery shopping are all calling my name today, so I'm off!
Hey! Thanks for fixing Josiah's quilt. He says "thanks." He also apologizes for peeing on it so much that it needs to be washed all the time.
I'm going to call you "supermom" from now on;) I don't know how you do it!!
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