We finally put up our tree Saturday night. Justin and I got the tree, lights, and beads up so that the kiddos could help us put up ornaments on Sunday after church.
Gabby loves the beads and told me that, "The tree has a necklace!"
The bottom half of the three is full of fabric ornaments that my mom's mother made. We put some of our more fragile ornaments on the top, but many of them we kept boxed up, knowing that Nate will be rough on our tree this year.
Each of the children got to hand their
'baby's first Christmas' ornament.

Then I asked the girls which their favorite ornament was.

Kate told me one of the fabric angels was her favorite, "Because the angel told everybody."

Gabby chose one of her two baby's first Christmas ornaments (they each have a figurine one and an engraved one). Of course she chose it, it is a baby.
I asked Justin what his favorite one is, but he couldn't choose between three:

The French Fries that Kate and I got him on his first Christmas as a daddy, as I called him Papas Fritas because of a story from a friend of mine, whose father thought his daughter was talking about whenever she said french fries in Spanish,

The snowman I got him the year that he got to build his first snow man as a father,

Or the Cincinnati ornament.
I also love many of our ornaments. I am so thankful that I can to our marriage with several ornaments from my childhood like:

My baby's first Christmas,

A Mary that my sister bought me one year when I played Mary in a Christmas play,

And this one that came from our exchange student in Denmark
Then there are the ones we've gathered like

The one we got our first year of marriage.