Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Tree Cookies

Since Christmas isn't Christmas without cookies, okay so it is, but I don't ever remember celebrating one without these cookies, I made these with the girls. I even happened to have star candy sprinkles with which we topped our trees.

The very first year we were married Justin was working an odd shift and sleeping odd hours. I was taking night classes three nights a week (many people were taking the same classes for their Master's degree and so we met when they could come). I got out of class early one night and scurried home to make these cookies. I was so excited to make them on my own for the first time. Justin was asleep, so I sneaked into the little galley kitchen and mixed up a batch of dough. Just as I was preparing the first cookie sheet, my sleepy husband stumbled from the bedroom, which shared a wall with the kitchen, and demanded to know what I was doing with a caulking gun in the middle of the night (8 PM).

My caulking gun (cookie press) and I have been making these cookies for the past 12 years and we always laugh when I pull out that press.

It didn't take Nate too long to figured out that the girls had left their chairs from helping, right where the cookies were cooling.


Bonnie said...

YUM YUM!! Did he get one before you caught him?

Kristy said...

Nope, I saw him as he climbed up. He got cooled ones later though!