Nate became a communing member of our church—on the eleventh anniversary of our visiting the church for the first time.

We got snowed in
I had a flat tire (and couldn’t get my lug nuts loosened)
We attended AHG meetings
Katie started her Stars & Stripes project
They got blind book ‘dates’ from the library
I went on a women’s retreat
An ‘80’s night at church
A backpacking trip for these guys
Lots of rope work to earn a badge
A trip to the Space and Rocket Center
For the older two
Work on Katie’s project
Winter camp
With the polar bear plunge—she’s in the water on the right 🥶
Our new Ellie-ton
More Stars & Stripes paperwork
Her completed project
Ellie found a golden egg
And jumped with a friend
We celebrated Easter
Gabby hosted a book drive for a local ESL class and food pantry
We got a building permit
AHG’ers went camping
And Ellie earned her biking badge
The gals decided to dress up to run errands
They got strange looks and compliments
We had *another* flat tire
Our Tenderheart
Became an Explorer
Ellie worked on string art
Gabby went to pre-med camp
She learned a lot and made some great friends
Ellie made us dessert while blindfolded
Nate taught Ellie fire building
Katie got an important package—
her Stars & Stripes Award
I taught Ellie how to lattice a pie
These gals ran errands with me, so I took them for frozen yogurt
These guys went out west with Trail Life
To volunteer at a reservation,
Hike, and sight see
We celebrated that S&S award with a trail mix bar
And silliness
We visited our rock pile (no house yet)
Visited my parents
The three of us visited DC
It was fun, exhausting, educational, and hot!
I worked on a quilt
Katie went back to serve another week at her favorite camp, taking a break from nannying as the family was traveling that week
Ellie worked on PRAY: God & Family with a friend
A foundation
These guys changed a lightbulb in the stairway
Justin got a medical alert tattoo
Katie got her senior photos taken
Gabby went to Night Ops
Katie began to really enjoy photography
Katie got her first real job
We worked on two other girls’ Stars & Stripes projects: an English language learner classroom above
Working on cleanup after a big day of making Christmas decorations for a domestic violence shelter
Katie using the drill press for the board to hold the snowmen sections for the decorations
Back to school
And silliness
My parents celebrated 50 years of marriage
We visited a farm
Gabby acted as Fanny Crosby for our little Pathfinders
We dog sat for friends
Nate’s night time chess game at a campout
A hard earned fire—started with only a magnifying glass
A new Harry Potter book
A driver’s permit
Lucy and Bellum hung out together
A trip to The Hermitage
AHG Campout
Wild child
Nate’s shelter at his campout
Halloween pumpkins
Caramel apples
Thanksgiving dinner
Cocoa with whipped cream, peppermint, and blue sugar
Kids picture day
Date night
I replaced some hard drives
I drove to NKY and back in a day to see an I’ll friend
Ginger bread making
Nate earned his fourth Worthy Life Award (faith award in Trail Life). He previously earned at Fox, Hawk, and Mountain Lion. This was for Navigator (middle school grades).
Celebratory Thai food dinner for Katie’s surprise graduation
With ice cream after.
Driving practice continues for this one.
I took Nate to meet a friend to skate
We got pictures with Katie’s graduation gown. She doesn’t wish to walk, so I let her pick whichever robes she wanted—pink it was!
We got some snow
The fellows ran in our -1* F weather
They got their Christmas Eve PJs after the Christmas Eve service
Listened to ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
The stockings were hung
The packages
The fellows modeling some of their gifts before church