Monday, November 21, 2022

XXXI: While we Wait

As we wait, and wait, and wait some more, I’ve been thinking about filling our new home.  Many of our furnishings will just go right in, but I’m debating painting a few pieces.

We’ll need a new bed for Gabby, since all the kids will get his or her own room.

Our current window treatments in the main part of the living space just won’t work due to different sizes and number of windows not to mention wall color.

I’m leaning towards these valances for the library, dining room, and living room:

With these shears:

Then the kitchen window:

I am having fits over curtains for my bedroom.  I adore the ones we’ve had for so many years.  I bought them for Katie’s nursery, but since we moved to Kansas, Justin and I have had them.  They are light and airy, but I lined then to make them a bit less transparent.  We’ll have three windows in our new room though, so the set of two won’t work.  I just haven’t found what I want yet, but am glad that Gabby wants them for her new room!

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