Thursday, March 19, 2020

Quarantine Day 8/9/11

So, depending on who you are in our family, you haven’t participated in your regular outside activities for 11 days (Ellie, Gabby, and me), 9 days (Nate), and 8 days (Katie).  Justin has gone to work some, but as the campus is closed to students, and he is not working daily.

Today shall henceforth be Quarantine Day 8, for simplicity’s sake.

I have been to the grocery twice in the past 8 days.  One of those was pickup.  Walmart has transitioned to not allowing one out of the car, not touching their signature device, and their workers are wearing gloves.  Usually I help load, so it is odd to sit there.  There is an automated limit of two on many items, for a family that uses three cans of soup for lunch and four gallons of milk a week, that is frustrating.  I have yet to find the ever elusive bathroom tissue...  Or the alcohol swabs Justin uses prior to his insulin injections.  We have some on hand, but a run on those items is discouraging.  I have also not been able to purchase a chicken from Walmart in the past two weeks, so an in person visit to Kroger is coming again soon.  I did score a turkey from Walmart.  It is thawing in the fridge.

Life here odd kind of normal.  Since we home school, there are many things about our day that are normal, at least for now.  We rely heavily on our library for both history and literature.  I usually request our books three weeks at a time, the length of time we can keep books without renewal.  Thankfully I picked up all the books they had prepared for us early last week.  We did not pick up the last of them, as we opted to self quarantine.  The library closed on Monday.  We are in modern history, so we may spend time watching old press conferences if we need to stay in past three weeks.

For the odd part, save one or two days a week, we generally leave the house daily.  We have had to step back from so many things that used to fill our days.

-Played Risk
-Washed the curtains
-Watched Remember the Titans (for school)
-Played Apples to Apples
-Cleaned the refrigerator
-Made a big dinner with chicken and all the trimmings...a mini Thanksgiving, complete with a ‘What are you thankful for?’
-Done school
-Recorded Justin's first online lesson
-Read so many memes
-Finished some previously started AHG badges (Tenderheart: Our Flag & Patriot: Creative Writing) and started comes My Style
-Had push up Competitions
-Held virtual AHG meetings

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