Saturday, March 21, 2020

If you are new, and temporarily, homeschooling, know this...

Most of us started with only one homeschooler. a kindergartner, who learned some math, a little reading and writing, read (listened to) a few interesting books, and played a lot.

We got to spend months pouring over just the right curriculum that fit our learner, family structure, and teaching style.

We, despite misleading title of homeschooler, don’t really stay home all the time.  We go to parks, libraries, museums, plays, concerts, co-ops, tutorials, clubs, sports teams, churches, and lessons.  Believe it or not, our children are climbing the walls too.

Even seasoned home schoolers struggle with balancing education, parenting, volunteering, and working.  We just have a bit more practice at stepping over the pile of laundry and shoving the stack of books aside.

A bit of advice from the principal from when I first started in public education, “If everyone gets lunch and gets on the right bus by the end of the first day, it is a success.”  Since none of your students needs to find the bus, I bet your first day was a success!

I hope you all make some great memories and learn a little something.  Maybe it won’t be quite what you expected, but perhaps it will stick with the children forever because it was so different, because it was with you.  Teach them something that is really important to you...the rules to a game, an important piece of history, an eye popping bit of science.  May God bless your school at home, for as long as you are there.

Happy learning!

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