Monday, December 16, 2019


 Ellie (with Katie's help), made cupcake bath bombs.  She purchased the kit with some birthday money.

 The older two were checking to see if they could both sleep inside a tarp for the fall campout--we purchased a second, but then between rain (so much rain that first night) and the cold they slept in a tent anyway.  They'll be ready for next time!


We had a bit of rain and cold weather, but it was a great trip.  As a side note, if you ever need to assemble a group of small children, they will come running if you sing the Birthday song, but they loose interest pretty quickly when they discover there is no cake.

Ellie asked to see a movie alone with me for her birthday.  There wasn’t much out for kids at the time.  We got a private viewing of Abominable by going on the university fall break (which was different from all the local schools).

We also took advantage of fall break to use some gift cards for breakfast.

Taking a walk

In the car...all the time!

Photo op at the library

Nate made a growth medium for his biology--we found that essential oils worked better at preventing growth for household germs that antibiotic ointment.

Our guinea pig had a couple of rough days, but after much prayer and extra attention, she has recovered!

 We got to see rplicas of the Nina and the Pinta.  The Santa Maria was not replicated because it requires much deeper water (so it can't sail up the rivers they use to move these two ships around inland ports).

The ships were tiny compared to what one might expect for sea faring ships, but Katie still can't hold them in her hands!

 Nate loves maps of all kinds.

Ellie was fascinated by what was below decks (at current it is used as a sleeping compartment for the men who live on board this moving museum, though originally the space below was so full that all men slept on the deck).

Even Gabby tried to catch a peek!  To see if the ships will be coming somewhere near you, you can click here.  They told us the mornings tend to be full of school trips, so afternoons may be better.

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