Monday, December 23, 2019


Of course we didn't slow down in November...

A trip to the Parthenon in Nashville

To see the statue of Athena

We saw a train being restored

and visited the inside of a previously restored passenger (and dining) car(s)

 We went hiking in a park.

 Nate read the map and led the way.

We went out on our first date night in 14 years that didn't require a baby sitter!  And the house was still standing when we came home.

 Ready for our parade

 Ready for their trip to a living history village

 A Veteran's Day Parade

 Gabby planned a joining ceremony and badge awards night.

She made all the uniform style papers to attach all the badges, patches, and service stars.  It was a whole lot of work!

Here are our girls with their awards: 12 badges, 80 hours of service, and a bunch of patches too!

The older two attended a book talk by a favorite author in a nearby town.  The original plan was to have their books personalized, but after the full weeks of book signings, she had to switch it to a photo op at the end.

Sven, I mean Katie, and his her friends dressed as the cast and went to see Frozen 2.  They said it did not disappoint.

 We visited my parents in Kentucky for Thanksgiving...where Gabby didn't want her picture taken.

 And Ellie enjoyed the puppies and Gam's pictures.

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