Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I want so much for our children to be grateful for the abundance we have. We have food to eat, a warm place to live (and even more luxuriously a cool place in the summer), clothes, toys, and so much more.

It's so hard with all that our children are inundated with these days. We have eliminated commercials from our home, but there are still the displays in stores and the birthday/Christmas gimmes. The inborn sin of selfishness. We have a great task as parents to teach our children to be filled with joy and gratefulness.

I hope to model my thankfulness for my children, this Thanksgiving, and every day. I am thankful to GOD for
  • my husband of more than 11 years
  • my three little blessings, who were so worth the wait
  • my family
  • insulin that has allowed my husband to live the past year
  • the chance to celebrate Thanksgiving with my extended family
  • food to eat
  • a home
  • my husband's job
  • having two vehicles
  • having a college education
  • having friends, even if we are distant in miles, we keep in touch
  • my computer, which allows me to stay in touch with many peopleAlign Center

Enter His gates with thanksgiving, And His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His name. - Psalm 100:4

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