Monday, November 22, 2010


There are those days that everything goes like clockwork. I had one of those days last week. I felt so productive. Four loads of laundry, washed, dried, folded, and put away. Homeschooling, completed easily. Story time at the library, not problem. Dinner put together, even on the last day before grocery day.

I am very grateful for those days when they come, because more days are full of trying to keep up. There are grocery trips that you come home to find that something you needed didn't make it on your list, doctors visits (always exciting with three children) that require follow ups, and days that you just aren't at your best.

I try to keep our lives fairly simple, but I am still finding that life as a mother is often less than simple. There are all the daily tasks of mom and teacher. There are the special concerns that come up from time to time. There are the little bumps in the road that take your time and energy. It's busy, it keeps me challenged, but I am so grateful and blessed.

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