How long were your labors?
Kate: days and days! About 18 hours at the hospital.
Gabby: I was induced at 7:30 AM and she was born about 5:30 PM, but only 90 minutes of hard labor
How did you know you were in labor?
Kate: My contractions had been going for days, so I asked to be admitted.
Gabby: I was hooked up to all sorts of monitors before my labor started.
Where did you deliver?
Kate: A hospital in Cincinnati
Gabby: A hospital here in KS.
New baby: I keep teasing Justin we won't make it in time. :)
Kate: I had one dose of Stadol after about 12-14 hours on Petocin.
Gabby: Just the induction medication, no pain relievers.
Who delivered?
Kate: We had midwife, Trish.
Gabby: We had our midwife here, Lindsey. She had been really busy in the room next door (delivering another baby), so one of the nurses thought she might get to deliver. Lindsey made it just in time.
I was in labor with you for about 24 hours. You woke me up about 2:00 in the morning and I thought I'd for sure have a baby that day, but it was a looooooooong day and you didn't come until the next morning. Then your sister surprised me. Labor started about 3:30 in the afternoon and she arrived 4 hours later at 7:30.
I'm impressed about the no medication part! Wow :)
Good luck with new baby!! Thanks for joining in on the meme.
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