Friday, August 23, 2024

Good Night Chickies

Our coop door didn’t open this morning, for reasons unknown (battery was good, sensor had the correct numbers for light and dark), so tonight Katie and I went to check to see that it had closed (it had), and we peeked in the side door.  

We’d never looked in at night before.  All on one bar, so I guess there’s room for more—on the longer one across the other side of the coop! 😉

Saturday, August 10, 2024


 I blinked and our summer break is over!

Our chickens keep growing

The cat seems to have moved in

Movies were watched (Pride & Prejudice)

Gelato was enjoyed

Or inhaled!

New skills were learned

Crafts created

Service rendered

A Switch earned—for all his work on the coop and fencing

A trip the the CMA Festival


Taking a book donation to Book’em

Seeing the completed bus

Filled with books

And Gabby and her friends’ handiwork

Not all of our garden was stolen by local wildlife

Dresses made

A visit to Kentucky

Rejoicing in the ground breaking for our former church

A long promised swing was hung

Vacation Bible School

A new building for our new church

Urgent care

An open house

Fence building

Aquarium visit

In Chattanooga 

And Holiday World too

Sent our Gabby off on a grand adventure with Kevin

We got our very first eggs from our flock 

The crew went to an antique engine show outside the professor’s old growing up town

Someone tried to cute her way into staying up late every night

These two coexisted, with mixed results

And then it was over!