Friday, February 19, 2021

A Snowy Week

Like much of the middle US, we got snow.  At first it was sleet, but then the snow fell, and fell, and fell.  Well for here, it is a lot of snow.  Except for Justin’s brief (or not so brief) attempt to get to church on Sunday, none of us have left our cul-de-sac since Justin got home last Friday (all three girls have been home since last Wednesday)!!  We never saw a plow or a salt truck.

Our fridge is starting to look empty and the back door was frozen shut this morning, but thankfully we have canned goods, heat, and snow to play in.  And play they have.

They also worked!  We had a car and an SUV both stuck down here, so we dug, cleared, and salted.  With a thick layer of ice, it was a lot of work!

The thaw is coming, so one more day before it starts turning to slush, and we can return to normalcy...just in time for a super busy week!

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