Monday, May 13, 2019

Movin' On Up

In American Heritage Girls, as in many other youth organizations, there are opportunities to advance.  In AHG, girls are promoted by age, but may choose to earn a level award, marking special work that she did.  I've known for the past year that all three of our girls would earn and receive their level awards and move up to their new units this past week.  It has been a great deal of work and time to get these girls (and so many of their friends) to this spot!

 A cake for the occasion

Gifts for leaders

 Uniforms, certificates, and level award badges, all ready for the level awards

First, Ellie earned her joining award.  A few of us worked on that with a handful of Pathfinders at Camporee.  These girls are now eligible to start working on their badges!  Her sisters have already started planning what they are willing to teach her.  I'm going to have my hands full reigning them in.

Not pictured...girls getting their badges, patches, and service stars, Presidential Service Awards. (Our troop of 40 girls, had 13 girls earn them!) Katie earned 143 hours of service this year, and Gabby earned 112 hours.  The girls of our troop dedicated 1530 hours to service this year (not counting all the hours put in by their parents and leaders, who often serve right along with them.  Not all of those count towards Presidential Service Awards, since all the time instructing in church or working on political campaigns don't count.  I also got my Jewel of a Coordinator pin, and some gifts as I am stepping down from the coordinator position I have held the past two years.  I'm going in to the Vice Coordinator position to support our new Coordinator, however she wishes me to.

Next was Ellie's crossing to her new level, Tenderheart.  She passed off the necklace she's been adding to this year (for Bible verses learned, service projects completed, and special events attended) to her Daddy.  There were some lovely young ladies waiting for her on the other side!  One friend was, arms raised, cheering.

Next, Gabby left behind her (very full) Explorer vest

It's blurry because I was trying not to use a flash, and he was moving a bit, but this may be my favorite picture of the night.  A proud daddy looking over his girl's accomplishments, as she leaves them behind to attain new things.  So perfect.

Katie was listening to the lovely things her unit leaders had said about her being read.  It was so kind.  She is so loved.

These girls have grown in wisdom and stature since we started this journey, and I can't wait to see their next adventure!

Katie and Gabby their first fall in AHG (2014)

Ellie, their second fall in AHG (2015), not quite 2, but finally getting to sit with the big girls for a few minutes.

  Glad we get to do it together!

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