Monday, March 26, 2018

12 1/2

Our Katie is at her half birthday.  She's often busy with big plans and even bigger dreams these days.

1. What is your favorite color? red & gold
2. What is your favorite toy? uh?  Harry Potter figurines
3. What is your favorite fruit? grapes
4. What is your favorite tv show? When Calls the Heart & Little House on the Prarie
5. What is your favorite movie? Deathly Hollows II: Battle of Hogwarts
6. What is your favorite thing to wear? my blue yoga pants
7. What is your favorite animal? guinea pigs and lions
8. What is your favorite song? Joy
9. What is your favorite book? Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire & Keeper of Lost Cities
10. Who is your best friend? Hope & Sianna
11. What is your favorite snack? brownies
12. What is your favorite drink? cream soda
13. What is your favorite breakfast? peanut butter & jelly toast and chocolate chip pancakes
14. What is your favorite lunch? cheese burger and fries
15. What is your favorite dinner? Papa John's pizza with pepperoni
16. What is your favorite game? Clue, Monopoly, & Sleeping Queens
17. What is your favorite thing to play outside? bike
18. What is your favorite holiday?Easter & April Fools Day (same day this year)
19. What do you sleep with at night? all my stuffed animals
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? a computer programmer or animation or work at Belle Meade or work with horses...

1 comment:

Just A Chemist said...

Ahhh... Kate. You are [nearly] grown up now. What happened!?
I am so proud of you intellectual progress, even if when you don't like it; with a bit of work, you get it. I know you will go far, and I pray God will use you to bless those He surround you with.