Sunday, March 14, 2010

New 'Do

It's gone. My long hair is officially gone...again. Every couple of years I go and have it cut much shorter. I've been measuring it for awhile now. It finally got to where I had the 10" that I was willing to part with. (Yes, I ended that sentence with a preposition, but it sounds silly and presumtious the other way.)

I headed off to the hairdresser with my hair tie and a plastic bag in hand. 10", plastic bag? I had the gal hack the pony tail off. Then we bagged it up. She washed what was left of my hair and then neatened it up. I'll be sending the hair off to Locks of Love.

I like my hair long, Justin likes my hair short, so I've done this before. Last time it was over a foot--and I nearly cried. This time it wasn't so traumatic.

I didn't take a before picture, since it was a last minute decision--everyone was behaving and Justin thought he could handle the munchkins for awhile, so I took off lickity split before someone melted down or he came to his senses, so this is from last Sunday at the zoo with the girlies.

Here are some after's

FYI, if you decide to donate, Fantastic Sam's offers half off of your hair cut if you're donating it.


Ashley said...

Love it! I've always wanted to do that but I can never wait for my hair to get that long;)

Kristy said...

Thanks Ashley!