It took a couple of days to get the paperwork home—I married the epitome of the absent minded professor. Then as we sit down to look through it we find that none of it pertains to health or dental insurance. It’s all life insurance. So we have to try again. The following night we have the information about the policies, but no prices. Why it’s not all together I have no idea, but it isn’t.
That’s okay, we’ll just find it, surely it will be online. Wrong. The place he works doesn’t post this information on their website. Actually there is some information for dental—for the 2006 calendar year! So we get on the provider site, thinking perhaps we can log in there. The site is down for maintenance.
At this point I’m sure I’ll go into labor during the night and we’ll forget the paperwork in all the hub-bub and wind up without any coverage for any of us. Don’t mix up-tight planner, always early for every deadline and pregnant—it’s not pretty. We did finally get all the paperwork we needed and it’s all safely filled out. Including adding the girls to our dental plan, which was the big deal this time, since Kate is now seeing a dentist bi-annually and that’s rather expensive out of pocket for some reason.
That’s life here.
Oh, and I saw the midwife today. All is well, with baby due a week from Saturday. We did discuss when we would look at an induction, since my girls never wanted to come out to play without some prodding. We’re looking at November 19th, just sort of 42 weeks. We’ll see if baby decides to come before that, but three weeks of pregnancy left maximum.
I'm glad you got your open enrollment forms filled out. I'm always afraid that I'm going to forget mine now that our insurance coordinator is in Frankfort and she doesn't watch out for us like Tammy did. Three weeks or less and we'll have a new grandchild!!! Yea!! I can't wait!!
Gaah, I HATE filling those forms out. My husband is the same way--SO absent minded regarding these things.
There was an email that went out to the faculty about the health fair that included the new prices and stuff. I married an absent-minded professor, but he has learned to glance and such things and forward them to me!!!
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