I took medication for it for several weeks. One of the side effects is drowsiness. I didn't realize how tired it made me until I went off of it at 16 weeks. What a difference. I can think again! I thought it was just normal pregnancy tiredness, but I suppose that it was that mixed in with the medicine, which did make my nausea more livable, though it was not entirely gone.
Now that I'm off the medication and still sick I have to decide how to handle the rest of this pregnancy, since the nausea is not following what it's "supposed to do." I could ask for more medication and continue to walk in the haze that's surrounded me lately or I can live with the yuckies.
I noticed that unlike normal morning sickness I don't get sick when I haven't eaten. I got sick when I did eat. Unfortunately fasting is not really an option right now--though that would take care of the problem for me. I've started trying to figure out if certain foods are contributing to the queasies. So far it looks like meat and most dairy as well as high fat foods like some crackers are the worst offenders. Maybe baby will be a health food junkie and decided it's time to start those healthy eating habits now. It's going to be a long summer without any ice cream around here!
You need to let me know what you want to eat when you come to visit. Fresh fruits and veggies from the Farmer's Market, maybe?
The rest of my family still eats meat, so I've been eating the sides that I make them for dinner and then salad. Fresh fruits and veggies are perfect.
you poor thing! I'm sorry you're having such touch morning sickness! I hope you feel better soon...
I had a bad time with Reglan too when I took it for breastfeeding. I couldn't handle it longer than a couple weeks.
How about oatmeal with brown sugar? Or Carnation Good Start, or some sort of smoothie? If nothing else, it would come back up easily :) I hope the nausea eases soon!
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