A few months back, a couple of friends were planning a move. They gave us a set of bunk beds. This encouraged us to spend some time rearranging!
The first room we worked on was for the younger two girls, so here it is!
When we moved in, several years ago, this room was this medium to light blue. I hung a transportation themed border and valance along with a Noah's ark puzzle. Nate was still using the crib at the time, and it has never been taken from this room, even after he grew out of it, before we had Ellie. It has looked the same the past couple of years as he and Ellie shared.
We painted it a soft baby blue.
Each girl has her own white dresser. They also have shelves to keep their pretty little things, like the Precious Moments figurines, that their Aunt Holly gives them every year.
On the left, we have Gabby's laundry hamper. On the far right there are baskets were I keep diapers, wipes, and crib bedding.
The crib is still there for now, but there will be a nice open space for them eventually.
Gabby's bunk has a quilt I made her. It also has a small shelf (an Ikea spice rack) for keeping her Bible, a flashlight, and small books up out of Ellie's reach. The toy hammock was a gift for her birthday.
The bottom bunk is currently made up with a quilt that my Grannie made for me when I was a little girl.