I still hand write checks. I know most people do it all online, but I just never have switched over completely. I have some things auto-deducted, and maybe now I should do a little more of that...
Call 1: This morning I got an automated phone call from the water company that I had not made my last payment. I flipped through my checkbook register and found the check number.
Call 2: Knowing that automated systems occasionally have errors, I called to confirm. The representative told me to contact my bank about the check because they had no record of it.
Internet: I paid the water bill online with late fees and convenience fee, so we wouldn't have to worry about a disconnect.
Call 3: I called my bank, assuming the check had been lost in the mail. I was assured that the check had cleared (and on the day after I mailed it no less). It did not appear fraudulent.
Call 4: I called the water company back to determine where to have the cancelled check faxed.
Call 5: I called the bank and requested a copy of the check be sent to the water company.
Call 6: The water company supervisor called to tell me they received the cancelled check...but the stamp on the back wasn't theirs. It belonged to the electric company (I also wrote a check to them that day). So my bank, who has by now paid this check and pulled up the cancelled check TWICE has yet to see the error.
Call 7: I called the electric company to see about paying any additional charges (as my water bill is less than electricity). I was told they put a note on the account and that I could just pay the rest of the charge with my next bill, as I would have to pay a convenience fee to make a phone payment. There is no late fee, since I did pay my bill on time, sort of--you know with a too small check written to the wrong company.
At least we still have water and electricity and everything has been sorted out now--I just evidently lost half of my brain somewhere.