My parents came to visit for a few days.
We had a nice time.
They enjoyed Kate’s ever growing conversation skills and antics and the baby’s happy quiet nature.
Kate is very interested in how everyone is connected; like that her Aunt Holly is my sister.
She’s also very interested in people’s names versus what she calls them.
Last night she asked what PawPaw’s name is and we told her that his name is George.
She laughed and said, “No that’s Gabby!”
See here if you haven’t enjoyed that story.)
That sent us all back to the restaurant and the very amused waitress.
There was also the other night over dinner as she was asking about daddies. We told her that PawPaw was my daddy. Then I said her daddy was my husband. “He’s my husband too,” she said matter of factly.
“No, sweetheart, he’s my husband.”
“We share.”
Oh my!
She’s also decided that she is prettiful. She uses it as an adjective, like beautiful or pretty. Maybe it’s somewhere in between? I don’t know.
As for Gabby, she played quietly, slept little, and pulled up for the first time. Of course none of us saw her pull up. She stood up in her crib one of those times she was supposed to be taking a much needed nap. Gabby is enjoying the new world of table food too. After our visit last week she’s had all sorts of new things. My parents were enjoying that too, including her decision that egg is not for her. Stick it in, spit it out. Stick it in, spit it out.
We enjoy having company out here on the plains. It was nice to have people visit, especially those kinds of people who hook you up to a wireless router, go grocery shopping with you, and enjoy your kids as much as you do, even when your eldest daughter decides she can’t go to sleep because (and I quote), “My foot can’t wanna go to sleep.”
Though I must admit, I think it may have gotten to them, check out these pictures… she's a princess, he's eating the baby and torturing the oldest--look at the fear on her face! : )