Monday, February 15, 2021

Current State of the House

So they called for snow, but they often call for snow.  It rarely stays around.  To be completely honest, we didn’t get snow, we got sleet...  The world is a sheet of ice.

These three think it is great fun.  That is an old mower (no blade or motor) that Justin let Nate tinker with—it became one of their favorite toys!

I didn’t make the crazy Southern run for milk, eggs, and bread, so I spent a chunk of the morning figuring out what we have in the freezer and pantry.  (If you are from an area that gets much cold weather, here they don’t clear roads, which are usually iced, not covered in snow, and few drivers learned to drive in this, so even if you know what you are doing, most people don’t.  I drove on ice in Kansas, but I don’t do it here!)

Everyone is pleased with our meal plan for the next week.  Everyone will be fed, even if we are having peanut butter on leftover hotdog buns instead of regular bread one day!

Justin is able to teach from home these days, so we are grateful he can do that!

Unfortunately, the kids’ shower sprung a leak.  We’ve had this part go out before, which isn’t too big of a deal, however, we can’t get to the hardware store for a replacement.  So, we are collecting the water to use to run the washing machine, so we aren’t wasting water! 🤣

Hopefully life will return to normal soon!

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