Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Day 56

I’ve never been this long without going to church.  Or seeing my parents, even when we lived in Kansas, we tried to see each other four times a’s been more than five months.

The kids have never been this long without walking into a store or seeing a single friend that wasn’t on the other side of a screen.

There is a great deal to be thankful for, and we are, but we have certainly lost a lot...

The AHG Convention we were due to attend was cancelled, our spring camp outs, and just seeing people.

We’re trying to make lemonade, but we aren’t going to say there aren’t plenty of lemons here.

On to the lemonade...

Justin & Nate patched the bump to our driveway

Then they made a ring of found rock around our front tree to replace to rubber ring that the tree had pushed out.  They put weed blocker cloth, we had on hand, in and will cover with rock when it is necessary to go to the hardware store for something imperative or we are no longer under safer at home orders.

Justin and Ellie planted tomato plants that he started from seeds.

We learned how to make petit fours

Gabby made our herbal tea, and aren’t those petit fours pretty?

We had a poetry tea

The girls said, “Bye,” to their friends on our troop wide camp at home night Zoom call

S’more a la mode

S’more pie

S’more person

Camping with twinkly lights—no tent failure

Making cards for a Veteran’s home

Rainbow fruit kabobs

Taking masks, notes, and, of course, those home made petit fours to a local fire/EMS station.  We couldn’t figure out how to get in (they forgot to mention how to let them know we were there when I made sure we were still allowed to do a drop off these days) and nearly left when a staff member pulled up and we were able to hand off our goodies

We left the house, though admittedly not our car, as we waved and shook balloons in a quick birthday parade

Box of Sunshine

Evening walks

The excitement of seeing a real human they know who doesn’t live in the house (those chairs and girls were there for awhile waiting, knowing she was stopping by-not pictures: the pacing Nate), even if there is a storm door between them, and it is a quick drop off and pick up visit

Playing games for Trail Life family home activities

Lots of good still going on here.  I managed not to get pictures of our exciting sand box scrubbing event or the defrosting of the freezer! 🤣

We had some pretty significant back to back storm days.  We have friends who have been without power for more than three days now.  Ours came back on very quickly, and we had a single day without WiFi, but despite big trees down all around, we were safe and our house is too.  We are awfully thankful.  Between the tornado and now this, plus the virus, and killer hornets, I think 2020 needs to calm down a bit.  I keep thinking of all the 20/20 visions we heard about several years back (ideas places wanted realized by this year), I’m pretty sure, except for a few sci-fi authors, no one saw this one coming! 🦠🌪💨🐝  I guess only hindsight will be 20/20 on this one!

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