Tuesday, March 26, 2019

13 1/2

1. What is your favorite color? Ice blue
2. What is your favorite toy? Pencil and notebook
3. What is your favorite fruit? Tomatoes
4. What is your favorite tv show? A Series f Unfortunate Events
5. What is your favorite movie? Crimes of Grindelwald 
6. What is your favorite thing to wear? Tunics
7. What is your favorite animal? Parrots and corn snakes
8. What is your favorite song? "The Other Side”
9. What is your favorite book? Keeper of the Last Cities: Exile
10. Who is your best friend? I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that several of my friends read your blog now
11. What is your favorite snack? Prattles (buckeyes)
12. What is your favorite drink? Cream soda
13. What is your favorite breakfast? Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
14. What is your favorite lunch? McDonald's
15. What is your favorite dinner? Spaghetti and Meatballs
16. What is your favorite game? Dance Contest
17. What is your favorite thing to play outside? Climb trees
18. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas and Easter (to quote Ellie, “‘cause I get candy.”
19. What do you sleep with at night? My books
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? A ballerina fairy princess veterinarian; I mean writer

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