Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter at Home

We’ve always had a lot of traditions surrounding Easter at our home, so this year was not so different in some ways, but it is so odd not to be with our church.  We’ve missed Christmas Eve services due to travel or illness, but I don’t remember an Easter that we were not in (or beside, for sunrise services) a church.

Here is our at home Easter...

Our Seder/Passover/Maundy Thursday
I couldn’t find lamb this year, so I put back a turkey bone and served chicken.

Mail...excitement that there was something from the outside world.

Our church’s children’s ministry delivered eggs to our front yard on Saturday.

Since we were home and had extra time, I told the kids I’d make whatever they wanted.  The girls chose donuts.  I got up before everyone else to let them rise.

The girls and I put on scarves; brought oils, spices, and perfume; and came to the tomb early on the first day of the week.

Our tomb was empty.  Ellie and I made this from a cottage cheese container. Our Jesus was an old fashioned clothes pin.

Nate felt we needed a lego version too.

We didn’t see the sunrise with the rain today.

Homemade donuts

Church at home

Our Empty Tomb carrot cake

I hope your Easter has been full of joy and the reminder that Jesus conquered all.

1 comment: said...

Happy Easter to my favorite people!