Friday, September 26, 2014


Katie-Girl you have grown so much!  You are so tall, of course, but you've grown in other ways too.  You have become one that can understand reason more, as you have grown.  We can hold real conversations now.  You're still filled with girlishness, but there is more and more of an understanding of the world.  You are working more diligently, which I greatly appreciate too!

I am glad that you are a smart little girl, but I am even more proud of you for wanting to help other people.  When I asked you if you thought I valued your grades or that you were compassionate toward people more, I held my breath as I waited for your answer.  I was so pleased that you knew that we value compassion over academics.  I wasn't sure that I'd done a good job teaching you that.

I love your curly head,

your brown eyes,

wide smile,

quick wit, 

and your heart.
(sewing a doll for Operation Christmas Child)

I hope that this year is filled with much joy for you!

Love always,

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Happy Birthday, Kate!!! Love you!