Justin was prepping for the semester, so it worked out well. We are in the midst of the colonial period of history. I found a fun set of videos that would be good to review what we'd been studying and preview what was ahead in history. If you're interested in those, here is the link to the YouTube channel.
At the end of the week, the local schools were back in session, so we decided we'd take advantage of Justin not having students yet, and try some field trips. We went to a local climbing facility. We weren't sure how Ellie would do, but she loved it. It took us awhile to convince her that she could just let go when she was finished climbing because the rope would catch her, but she did get it.
Go, Ellie, Go!
On Friday we went to an art museum. They have a couple of galleries to walk through--one on art surrounding World War I. The other was modern art. They also have a great place for creating your own art, so we a good bit of time there--they painted with water colors, made a print, did stop action movies, and decorated finger puppets. It was a great day too.
On Monday the older children went to a class at one of the local plantations. Katie and Gabby both took tours of the mansion, Nate looked at arrowheads, and they all learned some family history of the people who once lived there.
Glad they enjoyed it..., not my cup of tea!!