I've had this rotten eye infection that just won't quite go away--it waxes and wanes, but after nearly three weeks it's still hanging on. Today I called to see if there was something else we could do about it.
The nurse who promised to call back forgot me, so I called just before closing time so I could try and get them to write me a script or give me some advice. I've arranged my day around these phone calls, but I'm understanding. My doctor is out of town and I'm sure the nurse has had a busy and out of sorts day. She was able to talk to another doctor and secure me a new prescription.
She didn't tell me the name of the drug, but told me that I would put a drop in my eye five times a day. So I asked, "Is it another antibiotic or an antiviral?"
"It's an eye drop."
Um, yeah... I really hope she's just had a long day. I guess I'll look it up when I pick it up. Hopefully we'll get rid of this pink itchy mess that makes me want to avoid light.
"It's an eyedrop." I wanted to scream for you when I read that.